My Amazon Guy

Auto Campaign Negations, Parentage Variation Troubleshooting, Steven Pope Amazon FBA Weekly Q&A

September 10, 2022 Steven Pope
My Amazon Guy
Auto Campaign Negations, Parentage Variation Troubleshooting, Steven Pope Amazon FBA Weekly Q&A
Show Notes

00:00 Steven Pope Amazon FBA Weekly Q&A, 07.29.2022
10:17 New MAG School courses
11:42 Have a BR and want to sell another company's brand item, do I buy a new UPC
12:17 Conversion rate below 4%, ASIN Review: B093QLBRVY
16:39 Backend KWs limit has been reduced to less than 250 bytes
20:24 Error: "Value for externally_assigned_product_identifier is longer than the allowed maximum (characters)"
22:17 Error: "Value for generic_keyword is longer than the allowed maximum (250 bytes)"
22:53 % of backend search terms should be dedicated to important words that are already on the frontend of the listing VS unique words that are not on the frontend
25:20 Sales across Amazon increasing
26:29 I sent a box of inventory to Amazon over a month and a half ago and still says "Inbound"
27:29 If I close my PPC entirely from Jan-Sept, then in the QA, should I open the existing or create new campaigns, and which campaigns
28:38 Verified customer left a 1-star review that is clearly about a different product that I don't sell
30:28 Expanded product targeting
31:27 Tiktok store, will it be the next big thing
32:16 When you try to change categories and Amazon sys based on customer serches we are not going to let you change
33:23 Are review merges for variation by category
33:48 Is A++ going to be rolled out to all SC sellers
34:14 My competitor is trying to sell similar products with higher price but he is advertising heavily
35:16 I have a PPC ad running, so far 14 clicks and 1 conversion but I generated 12 organic sales. My ACOS is 82% but 44.76% for the week
36:14 Pushing for everyone to have their brand store competed but what if you only have 1 product
38:47 I've done a template upload and all Scent-Size variations of my product were successfully created. However I only see 2 of my 6 scent variations
39:28 How do you differentiate you listing in SERP and Best Sellers pages
42:06 Applied for BR for my brand and it got denied. Tried to reapply for it but it's giving me an error "Brand name is still under review"
43:02 ACOS is trending higher, is it me or slower month
44:35 “Virtual Product Bundles” are not possible atm (US only)
46:50 If I have an idea of a product w/c I visualize as a really beneficial for my actual niche but not know any data as search volume
48:37 Don't like how they charge full fees on both products for Virtual Product Bundles
49:16 I sent an email to Jeff about my product category change but they changed it to a different one but still incorrect
49:32 Got tons of duplicate images in the A+ content asset library that I want to delete
52:19 Only 2 out of my 6 scent variations show in my listings, it has stocks
52:50 Error 8803 : "Your feed has a parent/child relationship between parent SKU X and child SKU Y that cannot be created. Your child SKU shares the same variation attributes with another child ASIN"
54:01 Most relevant KW isn't performing well in phrase or broad campaigns (not exact)
55:31 Want to get ranked on my long Brand Name, present in copy and reviews
56:32 How do you select the design so you can profitable from Day 1
57:45 We have issue Amazon misspelling the brand name, the brand name is Caire and when we type Caire Beauty or Caire skin care it changes to care or care beauty which effects our sales
1:02:14 Just created a removal order for my products because I suspect that I've got a bad batch in my inventory
1:02:54 Competitor recently infringed me because I mistakenly used hi TM in the title
1:03:48 What is BSR measured by
1:05:32 Beginner advice for new agency owners
1:09:12 How to change Amazon barcode (XOO) to Manufacturer barcode (BOO)
1:10:51 If we are getting good clicks and good CTR but not conversion
1:12:08 Minimum spend for a KW before adding

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