My Amazon Guy

How to Grow Amazon Sales with Forum Brands FBA Aggregator

November 16, 2021 Steven Pope
My Amazon Guy
How to Grow Amazon Sales with Forum Brands FBA Aggregator
Show Notes

Jon Derkits, VP of Brand Growth at Forum Brands. Scaling. Raised more than 127 million in fundings  Amazon background. We discuss:

  • Marketing. 
  • Logistics. 
  • Advertising. 
  • Selling Basics. 

00:00 How to Grow Amazon Sales with Forum Brands FBA Aggregator
00:30 Jon Derkits as an Amazon expert
02:46 Do they use the 80/20 rule in Amazon
04:43 What's something about Amazon that people don't hear about very often
06:43 Why do some of the aggregators operate in the shadows at first
09:21 When trying to scale brands, what are some of the things aggregators do that some can pickup 
11:00 What separates between brands that do 5K/mo, 50K/mo, or 500K/mo
12:30 Do you think there's a particular basic that gets overlooked
14:51 Are there brands that you took care in, turning 50K/mo and want to turn them into 500K/mo
17:00 1-percent improvement guy over measure twice cut once a guy
18:51 What's your Moneyball strategy
19:49 Should people raise their prices on Amazon
21:06 Do you guys have bought any brands that had too many variations
21:55 What's the max number of variations 
22:23 What other tips or tricks somebody could incorporate this month into their strategy
22:57 3 rules for managing out of stock on Amazon
25:15 5-minute hack for Ads
26:26 Which these areas are the first one a brand owner should offload, PPC, SEO, Logistics, Design, Catalog Troubleshooting
27:24 Strategy on SEO and indexing
28:38 Do you guys have a matrix for the number of KWs a product has to index
29:40 Based on how you search on Amazon you get different results 
31:40 As an aggregator, what are the metrics Forum Brands seeking to those who want to sell their brands
32:34 What's a unique thing that Forum Brands do 
34:28 If I'm a brand owner and want to sell to Forum Brands, where do I next

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