My Amazon Guy

Why Best Seller / New Release Badges on Amazon are so Important - Honeymoon Implications

Steven Pope

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This video by Steven Pope, founder of My Amazon Guy, discusses strategies for maximizing success during a product launch on Amazon. 

Here are the key points:

→ Importance of New Release Badge: Earning the "Number One New Release" badge can significantly boost sales and reduce advertising spend.
→ Target New Release Badge: Focus on high sales volume during the initial launch period to achieve the badge.
→ Research Category Sales Velocity: Analyze top sellers in your category using tools like Helium 10 to estimate the number of sales needed for the badge.
→ Price Adjustment Strategy: Launch at a competitive price to generate sales, then gradually increase the price after establishing momentum.
→ Case Study: Smudge Kits: Steven shares his experience launching smudge kits, achieving the New Release Badge, and maintaining a high ranking with price adjustments.
→ Amazon's Choice Badge: While valuable, the New Release Badge is considered more impactful for immediate sales growth.

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0:00 - Introduction: Importance of badges on Amazon.
0:16 - Bestseller vs. New Release Badge: Discusses the impact of each badge.
0:44 - How to Find New Releases: Explains methods for finding new releases on Amazon.
1:25 - New Release Badge Strategy: Importance of targeting the New Release Badge during launch.
2:20 - Amazon's Choice Badge Discussion: Briefly discusses Amazon's Choice Badge.
3:30 - New Release Badge Strategy Breakdown: Explains how to estimate sales needed for the badge.
3:52 - Using Helium 10: Mentions Helium 10 as a tool to research sales velocity.
5:38 - Case Study: Introduction of smudge kit launch case study.
8:22 - Smudge Kit Launch Results: Details the success of the smudge kit launch with the New Release Badge.
9:08 - Price Reduction Strategies: Discusses the impact of price adjustments on sales and ranking.
11:19 - Importance of New Release Badge: Recap on the significance of the New Release Badge.
11:42 - Conclusion: Calls to action and mentions upcoming videos.

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