My Amazon Guy
Seller Central Expertise on how to improve sales. We are an Amazon Agency with more than 1,000 brands consulted for, My Amazon Guy sees trends and speaks about how to improve traffic and conversion on your products. https://myamazonguy.com/
My Amazon Guy
How to Create Amazon Customer Avatar - Understand Customer Demographics
In this insightful video, we explain the concept of customer avatars and how crucial they are for targeting the right audience. Learn how to identify your ideal customer profile, whether it's for a high-end pickleball paddle or a unique product like a unicorn toothbrush. This video has actionable tips to help you narrow down your target audience effectively.
Brand Manager Takeaway:
I just had my meeting with Steven Pope, that finished with building the best customer avatar for pickleball players: a 50+ year old woman with bad knees who plays every afternoon with all her ultra fit lady friends. Also gave me great insights about TikTok and TikTok Shop, great help for my pickleball paddle client, thanks!
#CustomerAvatars #TargetAudience #AmazonTips #AmazonSelling #AmazonSeller #CustomerDemographics
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00:00 - Introduction and Customer Avatars
00:30 - Defining the Target Audience
01:00 - Detailed Target Audience Profile
02:00 - Showcasing the Ideal Customer
02:30 - Specific vs. Broad Customer Avatars
03:00 - Practical Example and Conclusion