My Amazon Guy
Seller Central Expertise on how to improve sales. We are an Amazon Agency with more than 1,000 brands consulted for, My Amazon Guy sees trends and speaks about how to improve traffic and conversion on your products. https://myamazonguy.com/
My Amazon Guy
Focus on This Main Image Hack to Triple Your Amazon CTR!
Discover the powerful "Main Image Hack" that can increase your Amazon sales!
Learn why your main image is crucial for boosting click-through rates and how implementing simple tweaks can lead to dramatic sales growth. Watch as we discuss real-life examples, AB testing outcomes, and best practices for optimizing your main images. Perfect for Amazon sellers looking to enhance their product listings and drive more traffic.
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0:00 - Introduction
0:45 - Implementing the Main Image Hack
1:14 - Click-Through Rate Improvements
2:07 - AB Testing Main Images
2:45 - Proposal for Image Improvements