My Amazon Guy
Seller Central Expertise on how to improve sales. We are an Amazon Agency with more than 1,000 brands consulted for, My Amazon Guy sees trends and speaks about how to improve traffic and conversion on your products. https://myamazonguy.com/
My Amazon Guy
Steven Pope’s Open Letter to Fix Amazon Seller Support
Watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/V5okcx_Fo6A
If you've ever tried to get help from Amazon, you know exactly what Steven Pope is talking about. Filing a case is harder than ever, and waiting for a useful answer feels like it takes forever.
In this video, Steven Pope shares his two cents on how to fix this mess. First, fire everyone and start fresh. Seriously. Get people who can actually answer basic questions, like how to change a brand name, without just reading from a script. Give them a week off to learn how to really help sellers and buyers instead of copying and pasting useless advice.
And please, let’s stop with the long, flowery responses that say nothing. Keep it short and sweet, 200 characters or less. Fix the problem, don’t just talk about it.
Watch now and see how Steven Pope would fix the broken system we’re all stuck with.
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00:00 - Seller Support Complaints and Frustrations
00:30 - Open Letter to Amazon and Seller Support Issues
01:00 - Suggestions for Fixing Seller Support
01:30 - Criticism of Automated Responses and Cheating