My Amazon Guy
About My Amazon Guy: 1.2-billion managed on Amazon, My Amazon Guy is A 400+ client full service Amazon Agency in Atlanta, Georgia. We grow market share through traffic and conversion improvements. PPC, SEO, CTR, Design, Catalog Merchandising. My Amazon Guy gives away all their trade secrets with more than 2200 video tutorials on YouTube.
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My Amazon Guy
Invalid Charge Method - Seller Central Account Restricted (Solved)
Watch this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3VRXoWPDI14
Is your Seller Central account restricted due to an invalid charge method? Steven Pope, founder of My Amazon Guy, explains what to do when your credit card or payment method causes issues with your Amazon account. Learn why using a credit card is the best option, how to resolve invalid charge method problems quickly, and how to avoid account security alerts. If you're facing challenges managing your Amazon account, book a coaching call with My Amazon Guy for expert help.
#AmazonSellerHelp #SellerCentral #AmazonSellerTips #amazonaccount #InvalidChargeMethod
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Watch our beginner tutorial playlist on YouTube.
00:00 - Introduction: Invalid Charge Method on Seller Central
00:15 - Why You Should Use a Credit Card for Ads
00:40 - Common Reasons for Invalid Charge Method Errors
01:30 - How to Quickly Fix Payment Method Issues
02:00 - Avoiding Security Alerts When Changing Bank Accounts
02:20 - How My Amazon Guy’s Coaching Can Help You
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